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Monday, February 9, 2009


Public nudity is always funny, even if it’s a smoking hot chick who could stop traffic with her killer knobs because chances are she’ll actually stop traffic and cause some kind of massive pile-up. It would bring new meaning to “rubbernecking.”

This naked robber wouldn’t attract the same attention. He stripped down to his shorts, stuffed the dough in his underwear and took off on a bicycle, according to the AP

The suspect robbed an auto parts store and used a toy gun to rob the place ordering them to give him all their money or he would shoot them.

He took the money and stuffed it in his underwear, then took off his clothes and fled the scene. I’m surprised that when he took off his clothes that the victims didn’t flee the scene.

Police caught the guy riding his bicycle with the money hidden in his underwear. When police arrived, the man had a load of cash in his shorts but he reportedly wasn’t happy to see them.


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